Biography Puppet Script: Jim Elliot

I went to Ecuador to be a missionary to the Quichua Indians.  First, I built some houses near a river.  During rainy season, the river ate at the side of that bank, and because our house was near the river, it swallowed our house whole!

After my big disappointment, I decided to start over.  I proposed to Betty. She said yes to me, and we had a ten minute wedding.  After that, Ed and I made the choice to go to Arajuno.  There were lots of Quichua Indians there that needed the Gospel.

Nate, Pete, Ed, Roger, and I started Operation Auca.  We had heard of the Auca tribe, which really needed the Gospel!  They were very vicious.

First, what we five men did for Operation Auca was to drop down gifts from a plane into the Auca territory.  Then Nate found a place that the five men could land a plane.  We landed the plane safely on a beach.  A few days later, three Aucas came to the beach.  We called the man George and the teenage girl Delilah.  We didn’t nickname the older woman.

After awhile, the Aucas left.  The next day some Auca women came.  They were not happy like the Aucas that had come the previous day.  After the women came men with spears.  The men were running straight at Nate, Pete, Roger, Ed, and I!

***Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Pete Fleming, and Roger Youderian died from Auca spears being driven into their backs.  Those men died on Sunday, January 8th, 1956.

Published by

Cherie Blessing

My name is Miss Blessing, and I would like to welcome you to our class blog! Teaching is the calling of my heart, and I hope to set an example of tenacious engagement in learning this year. Let the Great Adventure begin!

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